Acupuncture involves the precise insertion of fine needles into specific points on the body, primarily along defined channels (comparable to subway lines for us New Yorkers) that connect different parts of the body. The points, akin to subway stops or stations on these lines, are targeted to access and influence the flow of Qi (energy) throughout the channels. When there is a blockage (or traffic jams) within these channels, we experience pain or other imbalances. This ancient practice, alongside Herbal Medicine, works to regulate the body's resources and eliminate stagnation and invasive pathogens, aiming to restore proper balance and harmony within the individual.
This Medicine is for EVERYONE and can be used to treat many ailments such as:
Digestive Disorders/weight loss
Women’s Health & Fertility
Mental Health/Addictions
Skin Conditions
Asthma & Allergies
Immune System
Common Cold & Flu
"Stress doesn't only make us feel awful emotionally…
it can also exacerbate just about any health condition you can think of."
- Dr. Jay Winner
Studies have found that many health problems are related to stress and trauma; they could potentially increase the risk of conditions like obesity, depression, physical pain, gastrointestinal problems and more. Ivana hopes to diminish the impact of stress and trauma so that her clients, family and friends can focus on fulfilling their destiny.
Learn More About Chinese Medicine!
Check Out the Video Presentation Below
For resources on how to incorporate Holistic Medicine into your lifestyle, Click Here for Links!
In loving memory of Dr. Mutulu Shakur who passed on July 7, 2023
after being freed from parole in December 2022
Ivana currently practices at the Yinova Center in Brooklyn Heights!